it seems to me the focus of bronze is on objects first and furniture second. if thats not the case, then its set up in such a way that you notice the objects first and the furniture later. to me it feels like a roll of film. theres lots of stuff that would make decent photos, a few discards, a few good ones and maybe one or two great pieces. now thats just a roll of 36 lets say. theres lots of stuff here, but my feeling is that not much of it overwhelms me. ill tell you what i do like though, theyve got cool worn balls. i like balls. haha. sorry. theyve got these old billiard balls, old lawn bowling balls, old globes. theyve got a bucket of old road maps. id get this and put it on my coffee table instead of flowers. its probably cheaper in the long run. and less messy. and smelly. but if you have the patience, theres a lot to ponder over… itll be easy to do do, as its not really claustrophobic.