I was recently referred to this doctor through a colleague who knew him and had heard good things about his weight loss program. Being a large gentleman who could use a little help in that department, I used the email the colleague provided to contact him. A couple days later I had still not received a reply, I waited some time longer and sent another email to inquire about becoming a patient of his and again no reply. 2 weeks later I met with this colleague again and I talked about this doctor he referred and he told me that Dr. Kevin Lai had emailed my colleague back and asked him to ask me to delete his email and to contact him only through the channels provided on his website. Now It’s important to have a good relationship with the person administering your weight loss program, you’ll turn to this person for guidance, and check in with him as you progress. But from what I can gather from him so far I can’t really say how personable he is, and I kinda think he’s a douche. If he can’t have the common courtesy to return correspondence from a prospective client then why would anyone bother to communicate with him any other way. This is the 21st century, email should be valid form of correspondence, it is with my doctor, and with many other doctors who practice in this new technologically advanced world. Now he may be an excellent Doctor, but I think bedside manner is important outside of the office as well. Dr. Lai if you don’t want someone emailing you, please have the balls next time to express it to that person yourself.