«Giblets?» «giblets, yes, do you have any?» This being the 4th time I have had this conversation in the last hour means I am getting cranky but she who must be obeyed has demanded them to make a soup or brew or concoction of some sort and it was my mission to get the giblets… a golden fleece would have been easier by all accounts. However this conversation took a turn for the better, «certainly, how many?» now I have no idea how chicken innards are quantifies so I asked for enough to make soup, the butcher nodded sagely and handed me a bag. You see this is an old style butchers, they still do all the cuts and bits and pieces that others don’t do but that in no way means they are in any way inferior! I like this place, Clynes is also a craft butchers(where have they all come from!?) the guys are friendly and freely offer advice, they take pride in the shop and its a nice place to go as a result.