As a relatively serious cyclist, I would say that this bicycle shop is quite good. They have a good range from the toddler tricycle to the commuter bike to the road racer. They also sell all the essential bits and pieces in addition to the gadgets for the enthusiasts. Its a small shop, however they do manage to fit in a great range and I bought my most recent bike there. I also went back for my cycling gear. I called in today to get a fairly obscure attachment for my pump and was impressed to see that they had the bit I needed. They also serviced my last couple of bikes and I was very happy with the work. They know bikes and they take them very seriously ! I notice that they have a very loyal customer base — even at the cycling enthusiast level. I’ve never had any issues with them and they are my bicycle shop of choice in spite of the fact that there are bigger more modern bicycle shops around. The only little niggle that I would have is to say that they don’t smile much … oh, and don’t ask them to repair a bike that was bought North of the border or you will be unceremoneously ejected from the shop.