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We can help you to review your options:
— if you don’t have a website now, we can discuss the best ways how to create one
— if you have a website already we can review it and change it to be compatible with all of the devices
— if you are satisfied with your current website, we can look into the options how you can use your internet presence more
Established in 2015.
The business was created out of passion: which once was a hobby to develop systems which help companies and individuals with daily work, now is a profession extended with critical and modern web design.
We are a family business and can be involved in many fields: creating new websites, re-designing existing ones, advertising and optimising. Moreover, we help with workflow re-organisation as well and can create a unique internal system which eliminates manual work and provides you option to get a better overview of your business.
Meet the Business Owner
Gabor F.
Business Owner
Hi, I am Gabor, web designer and web developer. Mingleflow is the fantasy name, via which I want to express my main goal: improve the internet presence and usage of businesses and connect as many part of thier activities to each other as possible and mingle them together. That could cover a lot of aspects: a website, a webshop, a small newsletter system, client management solutions, statistics, reports and anything you can imagine.
I can help in every aspect of the internet. This is why I consider FREE consultation the most important part of my services. During this period we can figure out what you need exactly and what can help you most.