Atlanta Food Swap is a monthly get together of folks who love eating food, preparing food, growing food, and talking about food. Everyone brings in individually packaged food items and you can trade one for one with other people. For example, if you bring three jars of jam to trade, you will walk away with three items you’ve traded with other people. It’s really neat to see what people bring. I’ve seen people bring homemade cheese, home brewed beer, homemade peanut butter, vegetables and herbs they grow in their gardens, breads they’ve baked, and eggs from their farms. You don’t have to be a chef or an expert in the kitchen to attend. There are always people who are novice cooks but are interested in learning more about food. It’s a great way to meet people with similar interests, and also a really good reminder that so many of the foods we eat on a day to day basis can be made at home. As of December 2014, the swap is being run by The Homestead. Check their site to find out about future swaps!