This library in McCone Hall is definitely one of those libraries that nobody knows about. It can fit a maximum of maybe 50 people in the main room and another 12 in the private room. Of the many times I’ve been here, there has been a maximum of 4 people — all sitting in the main room — so if a group project ever needs a private room, just ask one of the people at the front desk to open the room up for you. I guarantee it won’t be used. The chairs and tables are super clean(probably because no one uses them) and it is always deathly quiet except for the footsteps of students going to and from class upstairs. This library has a lot of pros, but it is also one of those places that feel cramped without there being anyone and a bit creepy due to its dim lighting and the occasional cockroach. Unless you have all your study materials or are a geography major, I do not recommend you study at this library. There are so few research sources for other majors, I suppose its only other pro as a library is how close it is to the East Asian Library!