I felt that three stars were fair for a few reasons: a) He takes his time with you, is thorough and you do not feel rushed at all. He answers your questions, makes a few jokes and is very personable. In this sense, you can’t get too much better bedside manner. For that, I would probably give him a 4 or 5. BUT b) I waited with my partner for 2 hours to see him. 2HOURS!!! I’ve NEVER waited that long for a doctor’s appointment. It was clear that a handful of patients needed to see him last minute and he just wanted to squeeze them all in at the end of the day. I assume the reason he runs so late is because he takes his time with all his patients(which is commendable), but that’s insane to run that far behind. This is what dragged down my rating. Had he taken 15 minutes with us after making us wait that long I would have given him a 1. He did acknowledge it as well when he finally saw us and while I realize that should just be common courtesy, I’ve seen a bunch of doctors who instead just act like they’re doing you a favor by seeing you at all. His awareness of his keeping us waiting made me feel a little better. Overall, if you’re having issues in his field I’d recommend seeing him but either get an 8am appointment or bring a book.