Burlington Chiropractic

Burlington, United States




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Dr. Guy infuses a variety of chiropractic treatment

approaches that are done primarily by hand (motion

palpation, diversified, S.O.T, and specialized drop

table), as well as myofascial (muscle) work. (Post

isometric relaxation, deep tissue massage, transverse

frictional massage, trigger point therapy.)

By combining both chiropractic and muscle therapy

approaches he has been able to help people achieve

results that were not responding to one approach

alone. It is especially useful when working with

stubborn shoulder, hip and extremity (arm, leg, muscle,

joint). It also allows him to customize his care based on

the need of the individual, taking into consideration

their age, size, and circumstance (eg: pregnancy).

Meet the Business Owner

Matthew Craig G.

Business Owner

Dr. Guy received his chiropractic degree in 1989. He

graduated with a 3.2 GPA while undertaking an

accelerated course load that allowed him to graduate a

semester early. He scored in the top 10% in the country

on the national board exams.

Since graduating from chiropractic school he has

continued to expand his knowledge and skills by

attending numerous post-​graduate programs. He has

received advanced certification in both physiological

therapeutics and rehabilitation. This keeps him up to

date on the most cutting edge treatment methods for

treating automotive and sports related injuries as well

as chronic pain syndromes.