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Low Cost and Confidential Treatment in our 2 locations in the Chicagoland area.
The Center for Addictive Problems (CAP) serves Chicago, Illinois, and the metro area. Our mission is to provide the highest quality, most cost effective treatment plans for those with addictive behaviors and substance and drug abuse issues. We treat Heroin and opioid-pain pill addictions.
CAP programs are winners of the prestigious Advocates Illumination Award. We recognize addiction is a medical disease and can be properly treated with the proper care. Here at CAP you will receive the professional care necessary to resume a productive life.
Services we offer include:
Hepatitis vaccinations, education and counseling
HIV testing, education and counseling
Patient advocacy, support group and psychiatric evaluation
Appointments with physicians who specialize in opioid treatment
Counseling from professional counselors and nurses
Crisis intervention, referral and liaison services and more
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