I have not been to a laundry mat in some time. I have a blanket that required a big washing machine and decided to try this place. It is in the same shopping center as Safeway, so I felt safe. I parked in front of the establishment, took my huge blanket in and found a washing machine that would accommodate the size. It was clean, the floors and the machines. There was an older gentleman there from Lucerne. When he heard me gasp over the price to wash this one blanket, $ 5.50, he said this place was reasonable compared to Nice. He went on to explain the cost of water where he lives as a single man with his own home, complete with washer and dryer. Lucerne residents pay $ 150 a month for water. Thus, this older gentleman hauls his laundry to this little laundry mat to wash his clothes in an effort to save money. The dryer cost him $ 1.50 for 30 minutes. The washer I am not sure about. So I guess the cost is relative, but for me I was so shocked by the cost of the big washer I took my blanket home to dry. Thank God this laundry at is here I guess. Now where is the clothes cleaners?