So, I realized that when I moved to Memphis, my hours were matched up perfectly to the tune that I had to be at work when the liquor stores opened and by the time I got off, they were closed. This created a huge dilemma. Last Saturday, I ended up having to work. I didn’t have to be in until 3pm. When I got there, I was fuming, and in desperate need of a drink. I asked my boss where in the hell a liquor store was. He said theres one right around the corner. Now, just a heads up, I don’t necessarily work in the safest part of town. I don’t necessarily trust my boss either. So I asked old man Leroy(one of my employees) if the place was legit. He said he had been going to Blue’s for years, even before he started working at UPS. I told him then I was going to say«Leroy sent me» and expected one of two things to happen– to either get roughed up, or a free bottle. So I manned up, and went to the corner. When I arrived, there was an armed guard out front. I thought this could be the Fort Knox of liquor stores! When I walked in, I was convinced it was! Just a heads up, there are about 9 – 10 cashiers, behind bulletproof glass. Go up, and them what you want. At first, I said«Blanton’s». They looked at me like I was crazy. Haha. My next choice was Maker’s 46. Didn’t have that. So on the third try, I got a bottle of Turkey 101. I paid, and then out came the bottle in the dispenser. I survived, and in fact, I went back Monday! It happens. The people are friendly and do have a lot in stock, but make sure you do your homework on their inventory before ordering. Also make sure to hide your work badge before entering too. Its nice to know booze is only a short walk from work– and they also cash checks too!