There typically isn’t a lot to say about a place like OfficeMax other than«I drove there. I parked my car. I bought some pens. Printed some flyers and bought a leather FranklinCovey planner that I’ll never use because my Android kicked it’s ass.» This OfficeMax is different. It’s situated close to the house so it’s been the easy go-to place when I’m out of printer ink for my illicit photos or industrial shrink wrap for purposes unmentionable. This past week I was left a bit shocked and speechless because one employee, in particular, gave GREAT customer service. The wife and I went in on this occasion to print a photo of her late grandfather to display at his funeral this weekend. After printing out the photo and cutting it to size we made a special request to trim a piece of foam-core to size so that we could mount the photo for use on an easel. While the OfficeMax Employee of the Month worked to accomodate our one-off request I, being the dick-tard I frequently am, touched the corner of the photo and smudged the shi-caca out of it(FYI Some photo paper/ink combos DONOT dry… they stay like that because they are going under a plate of glass). Without so much as sigh of disgust or inconvenience she ran off to print us another. You are probably thinking that none of this sounds particularly outstanding but as all of you Unilocalers know, it’s hard to find a reasonable level of quality customer service most places in Miami much less a person who is helpful, knowledgable AND has the personality to be compassionate and sympathetic, genuinely, in such circumstances. I’m pretty sure she’s not getting paid extra for being a kind person. Carmen if you happen to be a Unilocaler, this one goes out to you. Thanks for your kindness and compassion. It made our typically menial task seem a little bit less depressing.