NutriMost California

Mission Viejo, United States




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NutriMost Resonant Frequency Technology is a scientific breakthrough that allows the body to communicate its needs without any guessing. Using galvanic skin response, the technology sends specific messages to the body and monitors the physiochemical response. Comparisons to the baseline allow for analysis to determine biological preferences, biomarkers out of range, and areas in which the body may be weak or imbalanced.

This amazing technology allows the more than 400 million communications that occur per second in the body to be assessed. NRF technology takes a hormonal fingerprint to determine the exact blueprint a person needs to bring their body into an optimal state of fat burning or health. It makes us capable of measuring and assisting the body’s inborn healing abilities better than was ever previously possible. Our approach is to determine EXACTLY what your body is missing and develop a scientific method to allow you to lose 20 — 40 pounds or more in only 40 days.

Contact us today and begin the road to a happier, healthier and more active you!


Established in 2013.

Established in 2013.

The NutriMost weightloss program has been able to help his patients with obesity that lead them to high blood pressure, type II diabetes, sleep apnea, and arthritis just to name a few of the diseases. After years of extensive research Dr. Mojabe found Nutrimost Ultimate Fat Loss System as a safe and effective way to lose weight quickly. Both Dr. Rockny Mojabe and Dr. Elizabeth Mojabe have been trained and certified by Dr. Ray Wisniewski, the founder of the Nutrimost Ultimate Fat Loss System. Dr. Ray is also the author of 3 of the most advanced complex and thorough NRF scans ever created to overcome health care challenges.

Meet the Business Owner

Dr. Rockny and Dr. Elizabeth M.

Business Owner

For the past 23 years both Dr. Elizabeth Mojabe and Dr. Rockny Mojabe have been practicing in the Inland Empire providing quality health care. They have seen over 10,000 new patients and have had over 150,000 patient visits.

Both Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Rockny Mojabe have seen patients with many medical issues caused by being overweight. They understood that they needed to help them with their weight issues. By doing this, they felt they would be able to help them with their medical issues.