This is like the Conway’s version of Sportswear. Most of the items here are knockoffs, imitations if you will, of name brand items from jerseys to wannabe Nike gear. That’s not to say any of it is bad per se, but it’s probably going to be on par if not worse than something at like Steve & Barry’s. The prices are thankfully not expensive and the people working here are pretty good at making recommendations. And since the store is a lot larger than it looks, there are some good deals on the horizon, just make sure to look hard enough. I was able to score 3 bags of crew socks for about $ 1.50 each, no tax. I’ve even bought most of my gym gear from here and never had to spend a fortune for what amounted to be piles of clothing. I don’t think they take credit cards here and like Chinatown it’s best to pay in cash. And of course, for those looking to rock a sporty hip hop look, this is one of the places to get your fill.