What is there not to like about a small, quiet library? There are a couple of computers …(Really seems like only a couple when compared to other school libraries.) There are some days it is open …(Not open Fridays, inexplicably.) Open less hours than other school libraries. And they offer some printing capabilities …(Important: No printer — anywhere here — offers colour printing. The print software will allow you to pay for colour, but it is Pleasantville: You’re paying for nothing. You’re throwing away forty-five cents or whatever it costs.) I understand that times are tough, but I recall reading an article about superior higher education system in the Far East, and how the libraries are twenty — four hours and there is rarely a single empty seat anywhere to be found. If it is possible there, it is possible here; but, first, we will have to at least open this library every weekday, or before some students’ first class of 8AM. That could be a start.(I mean, it is not like we don’t pay enough tuition for this shit to already be a reality.)