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Why choose a local Mortgage Lender like First Portland? We offer fast, local processing and closing of your Maine Home Mortgage while shopping around for the best rate and program to fit your needs. First Portland Mortgage is your Greater Portland Mortgage Lender. We look forward to making you our next satisfied customer.
Established in 1989.
First Portland Mortgage provides Maine Home Mortgages for the purpose of your home refinance or a new home purchase. Most of our employees have been in the Mortgage Loan Business for 20 – 25 years. We process and close your home loan locally and are here ready to assist you with all conventional and government home loan programs. Call us today and you will find that our expertise and professionalism is just what you need to get through the loan process quickly and with less stress.
Meet the Manager
Kristeen A.
I have been in the Maine mortgage business for 25 years. I first worked at a local bank while in college and then moved on to First Portland Mortgage as a processor. Later I became mortgage closer and the loan originator. Mortgage Loan Origination has changed in recent years, but it is still a job that I love and have a passion to continue. With my knowledge and background, I help homeowners get into their first or second home or refinance to a lower payment.