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Insurance Source of Dallas is an Independent Insurance Agency, which means we represent many different companies so we can find the one that is right for you. We can shop your insurance for you instead of you having to call around. Our goal is to provide you with the insurance you want at the lowest possible price, while providing you with the highest level of customer service. We can furnish you with an assessment of your insurance needs and a choice of which package fits you best. It helps to find an agency that you know and can trust. Our staff has the knowledge and experience of our insurance products to provide maximum benefit and protection to our clients. Let one of our licensed professional insurance agents help you with any of your personal or business insurance needs serving Richardson, Dallas, Plano Texas. We offer Auto insurance; homeowners and renters insurance. As well as boat and motorcycle insurance. We also offer car dealer bonds and title bonds…
Established in 2005.
It helps to find an agency that you know and can trust. Our staff has the knowledge and experience of our insurance products to provide maximum benefit and protection to our clients
Insurance Source of Dallas is an Independent Insurance Agency, which means we represent many different companies so we can find the one that is right for you. We can shop your insurance for you instead of you having to call around.
Our goal is to provide you with the insurance you want at the lowest possible price, while providing you with the highest level of customer service. We can furnish you with an assessment of your insurance needs and a choice of which package fits you best.
Meet the Manager
Tamer R.
Welcome to Insurance Source of Dallas. We are an Independent Insurance Agency
Give one of our agents a call to save money on your Business Insurance. Some of our Commercial insurance coverages include Business Owners Packages (BOP), General Liability, Commercial Auto, Workers Compensation, and Bonds.