I hired the owner of this company named Michael Zhao aka Min J Zhao, he is a real estate agent using the ingenuity and simplicity of people to defraud them. I deposited in Portfolio account a large amount of money to buy real estate, properties that I never bought and money that was never returned back to me. Michael is being doing this type of activities for the past 6 to 10 years, now he’s escalating to a greater degree with false pretenses of lending us 95% of money For real estate investment, The«lender» would only transfer the money after receiving the 5% deposited in his account. Please be aware if you are doing business with this guy and Simone dos Santos Cunha, his secretary as well, they are both being investigated by police. This is not a confidential information, they both know, but they believe whatever they are doing would resolve in a civil court. As far I know, there’s a bunch of people suing this person. Its public record. Go check it out. I hope this can help! If you guys know anyone doing business with him, please contact me or the police and I will share all the evidences I got.