Dramatic Results

Signal Hill, United States




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Dramatic Results uses the arts to engage students to make learning math and English real and exciting. We are recognized nationally as a «model among models» in arts education for our innovative programs and outcomes in student academic performance. Whether creating traditional woven baskets to learn measurement and algebraic formulas, folding origami to learn geometry, physics and architecture or creating and performing Readers’ Theater while learning language arts, we stimulate student curiosity and creativity through a hands-​on, arts-​based, approach to learning that results in better academic performance and social/​team building skills. Our programs are especially effective for students struggling to learn English and math. In addition to our student programs, Dramatic Results trains classroom teachers to use the arts in their classrooms to enhance their students’ learning experience.


Established in 1992.

21 years ago, Dramatic Results’ founder and executive director, Christi Wilkins, received a gift of $ 2,500 to launch her dream to help children succeed in school by experiencing the real life «link» between their course work and what was happening in their home lives by experiencing the joy of art making. $ 17 million and 19,000 students later, we have received numerous awards and recognition for our work, including:

A featured podcast «Making Baskets Makes Math Stick» on 3÷30÷12, KUSP 88.9 radio — Solutions in Education (www​.kusp​.org/​e​d​u​c​ation)

Voted one of the nation’s best arts non-​profits in 2011 (Great​non​prof​its​.org)

Recognized for excellence in non-​profit agency management in the book Vital Factors: The Secret to Transforming Your Business — and Your Life (Jossey-Bass.-2007)

Featured in the national «Arts Education Professional Development Compendium», Designing the Arts Learning Community: A Handbook for K-​12 Professional Development Planners