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Dr. Carson Aune specializes in diagnosing and treating many conditions including neck pain, back pain, arm and leg pain, sciatica, arthritis, chronic pain, headaches, carpal tunnel and many more. He also specializes in sports medicine and injury treatment. He is a credentialed Active Release Techniques® practitioner (Spine and Upper Extremity) and Graston Technique provider
Meet the Business Owner
Carson A.
Business Owner
Dr. Carson Aune is a graduate of Logan College of Chiropractic, in St. Louis, MO. While completing his doctoral degree, Dr. Carson also earned his Master’s degree in sports science and rehabilitation. To complete this program, he interned with the University of Maryland’s sports medicine department where he developed and implemented rehabilitation protocols for many professional and college athletes.
During his time at Logan, Dr. Carson spent much of his time gaining experience in sports medicine and chiropractic. He traveled to Columbia, MO to treat athletes at the University of Missouri. He volunteered as a sports medicine provider to the St. Louis Scottish Games, St. Louis Youth Soccer Association, and the NAIA National Outdoor Track and Field Championships. He also worked with the Gateway Youth Baseball Program and Missouri Baptist University as a volunteer strength and conditioning coach.