RUNASFASTASYOUCAN. THISGUYISDISHONESTANDWILLRIPYOUOFF. I HADREQUESTEDHECOMEOUTTOLOOKATMYELECTRICPANALANDGIVEME A BID. THISISWHATHAPPENEDNEXT. 1MONTHLATER I RECIEVE A BILLFOR $ 200.00, WHEN I CALLEDTOASKWHY I WASRECIEVING A BILLHESAIDFORFIXINGMYELECTRICALPANAL.(HENEVERTOUCHEDITBESIDESTOLOOKATIT. HEREISTHECORRASPONDANCEBETWEENUSSINCETHEDAY I RECIEVEDTHEBOGUSBILL. ANDREFUSEDTOPAYFORSOMETHINGHENEVERDID. THISISFROMMCGILLELECTRIC: You made mistake to call me out on a Sunday when the electric company had sent been there yet. Now you won’t pay me for coming out and trying to get your power back on. I noticed your panel was put in illegally. I think I will have a electrical inspector check on it. Have a nice day. Ed MYRESPONSE: Go right ahead and call the inspector, the number is 253−512−2266. it was inspected and approved on 2÷13÷12. This is because unlike you who wants something for nothing . I had a honest company come out and do the work and have it inspected. They actually came out and fixed my electrical problem, and guess what… I PAIDTHEMFORTHEWORKTHEYDID. Its people like you who give your industry a bad name. You show up, look around, say you will be back… never to be heard from again until… THEBILLFORDOINGNOTHING. what a joke. ANDYOUDON’T EVENHAVE A GUILTYCONSCIENCE. SHAMEONYOUFORTRYINGTOTAKEADVANTAGEOF A SINGLEMOTHERWHOLOOKSLIKEANEASYTARGET. Your a BAD, DISHONESTPERSON. Remember what comes around goes around. MCGILLELECTRIC: Gina, I am not signed up for service magic in lakewood so your«so called estimate» is bogus. You called me and never said anything about an estimate. If it was an estimate why did i put my tools on? You must have forgot when the power company turned on the power. You had four breakers that kept tripping. I got all of the beakers working except the furnace which was a furnace problem. If you choose not to pay me it leaves me no recourse but to file a mechanic lein. Thanks Ed McGill MYRESPONSE: Go right ahead and try to file a mechanic lein, I have proof of paying a REAL Electrician for the job you are now stating that you did. Because you are now continuing to threaten and harass me i will post all of our correspondence on several web sites as well as with the BBB.