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Body Fat Reduction by Increasing Body Tone Muscle.
Established in 2013.
Young and foolish fresh out of college. I started as most trainers do, in a big chain gym. As most trainers at a big chain gym, clients were not people but numbers and every month it was a race to see how we could sale. Results were not important, injuries were not important, goals were not important and believe it or not health was not the first thing in my mind. Money was.
Everything changed when one trainer at the same gym broke a clients back in a leg press machine. As he was taken out in a stretcher and screaming in pain. I saw what could happen if I did not put aside selling training instead of actually helping.
Soon after that incident I left the gym and started training by my self. I had nothing but a few clients, no gym and no place to train. What I did have was a burning desiree to help those that would allow me to help them.
In all honesty, it has taken over 10 years of bad and good experiences but I now have what I believe to be the perfect workout: FatBoilingMethod.