I have just learned and am shocked that Walgreens recent buy out of Sax Drugs in Taylor has thrown the loyal and long time employees of Sax under the bus by cutting their hours and their pay. Sax just sold out to Walgreens and Walgreens will be taking over the Sax Taylor location on August 1. The employees told me that all Walgreens wanted was the Sax customer list for their pharmacy. I seriously doubt that they will be keeping both locations open — they are only a mile apart. I suggest to anyone who has their perscriptions at Walgreens to switch to one of the many other pharmacies in the Taylor area since they are treating long time employees in this way. The sax employees found out about the buyout AFTER the general public did — they will be losing their old jobs at Sax on Aug 1. The employees said that they were told buy the owner of Sax that part of the agreement they made with Walgreens, was that Walgreens stipulated that none of the employees were to be informed. I will not do business with companies that treat their workers in this way. This is just another example of the corporate takeover of American small family businesses. It is very sad. Wall Street is completely out of touch with Main Street and this is just another example.