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We help patients who are suffering with symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy, Back & Neck Disc pain, TMJ, headaches, numbness, sciatica, hip pain, and whiplash. We treat these types of pains using the latest in advanced medical technology and without the use of drugs or injections.
We educate our patients on how the body works, and its ability to heal. Read our patients’ testimonials to hear how we help to eliminate pain and restore quality of life. Our clinic recognizes this new technology can help many patients who have had little success with other conservative treatmentSouthland Spine Center is an authorized Spinal Aid Treatment facility. We have a high degree of success with patients who have been to an average of 3 physicians prior to visiting our facilities. Because of our unique treatment and high success rate patients come from all over the greater Los Angeles, South Bay, Orange County, and San Bernardino counties.
We look forward to helping you get back your life!
Established in 1993.
Dr. Abrajano has always been on the cutting edge of treating pain with his advanced medical technology. He focuses on treating the cause of the pain without using drugs or painful injections and helps his patients to decrease their pain level and increase their quality of life. In 2004 he was the team doctor for the Olympic Decathlon Team and has treated many elite athletes and sports stars. Dr. Abrajano has revealed in his latest book, that what many think about disc pain, leg and hip pain, neck pain, and sciatic pain may in fact be completely WRONG! While his opinions are not shared by everyone in the back and disc pain field… Dr. Abrajano’s perspective is hard to ignore, and he has an army of smiling happy patients ready to vouch for him and his spine center.