If you want quality and painless eyelash extension, DONOTGOTOHER! She had to redo my lashes(the removal process was painful), they still weren’t the quality I was looking for — the lashes were HARD and had A LOTOFGLUE on them. Since I had to travel, I did not care. I tried to come to her to get her to take them off, she never respond to my text message nor returned my phone call. I had a NovaLash stylist remove them, it should normally take 30 minutes, but it took 1 hour and 45 minutes. The removal process was painless. The eyelash procedure was completed the same way I have researched online, but with Sacona — it was NOT! I recommend that people go through a NovaLash stylist for eyelashes, they may be more expensive, but worth it! I was overcharged, but I believe in karma, so no worries! I used cash and I would NEVER recommend to anyone to use cash for a service EVER because your credit card and/or debit cards protect you against people that try to overcharge you. Please note, I am not taking away from her character, she is a great person with a wonderful personality, but as for her eyelash extension service — STAYAWAY!