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Art classes
Fine arts classes
Photography classes
Crafts classes
Fiber arts classes
Jewelry making classes
Sewing classes
Knitting classes
Quilting classes
Crochet classes
Painting classes
Drawing classes
Watercolor classes
Acrylic classes
Oil painting classes
Mosaics classes
Découpage classes
Card making classes
Printmaking classes
Polymer clay classes
PMC classes
Colored pencil drawing classes
Creative writing classes
Screenwriting classes
Novel writing classes
Songwriting classes
Juggling classes
Mime classes
Acting classes
Improv classes
Comedy classes
Auditioning classes
Cold reading classes
Screenwriting business classes
Chain maille jewelry classes
Wire wrapping classes
Candle making classes
Soap making classes
French matting classes
Frame making classes
Cake decorating classes
Flower design classes
Calligraphy classes
Kumihimo beadweaving classes
Viking knit classes
Public speaking classes
Simple websites classes for artists
Creative jam sessions for artists
Special events
Established in 2012.
L.A. Creative Workshops is a grassroots creative arts learning studio where professional, experienced artists and artisans gather to teach their art forms and share their techniques and skills.
We give our artist-instructors the freedom to create their dream classes, to share with our students not only their skills and craft, but the challenges inherent in their field as well as best methods to overcome them.
We also offer a variety of fun and creative crafts classes including textiles and fiber crafts, sewing projects, découpage and paper mache, lamp making, card making, jewelry crafts, wood crafts, and more. Come out and make something colorful and fun with your own two hands.
Our Creative Jam Sessions are fun opportunities for artists of like mind to get together in the same place and work on their own projects. No instructors. Just artists jamming together. We don’t charge for these sessions, but there is a nominal fee for beverages and snacks. Check our calendar for jams.