Roach-infested. Locked front-door. You have to figure out the right phone number to get a hold of someone who can check you in. I was there for only a few hours one afternoon. I was just trying to work on my laptop when a cockroach crossed my feet, and then moments later another one crossed the desk and my laptop. I left around 9 pm, and informed the manager on duty. He apologized for the situation. I assumed they were not going to cash my check since I did not stay, and they had apologized. I had tried to cancel the check but I didn’t succeed in getting it done in time, because they did cash the check. I will be seeking recourse soon. Also, you can’t bring anyone in after 6pm. I guess that helps prostitutes from utilizing the place, but it also limits legal activities you may want to take care of. With many rooms you have to use a shared bathroom. The rooms are the furthest thing from soundproof and you will hear other peoples conversations clearly, so you can assume the same is true for any noise you make. Yes it is the cheapest place next to campus, but you will have to accept living in a thoroughly infested place and giving business to people who are not above charging you for not having slept at their hotel.