Chiropractic for Everybody

Decatur, United States




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It is our hope that the following pa ges can be of assistance to you in some way. Whether you are a current or future chiropractic patient, the following pages are designed to empower you to find health at its source, within you.

Thank you for choosing Chiropractic for Everybody to explore your potential for improved wellbeing. I am Dr. Stephanie O’Brien and it is my pleasure to serve you.

If a particular pain or ailment led you to this office, know this, you are more than your «condition» and right now there is more «right» with you than what may or may not be «wrong» with you. As a Chiropractor, I am privileged to work with what is «right» with you to help you explore the possibility of optimal wellbeing.

It does not matter what state of health you are in, if you have pain or indigestion, cancer or heart disease, coping issues or looking for improved health, fibromyalgia or multiple sclerosis, arthritis or epilepsy, if you are pregnant or your little bundle of joy has just arrived; our job remains the same. We will assess your spine and nerve system for vertebral subluxation and then provide specific Chiropactic Adjustments to address them. [Vertebral subluxations are a fancy way of saying «spinal bone misalignments which disrupt normal nerve and body function» Additional information available under the Wellness Library tab]…