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Weight-loss, weight-loss coaching, business coaching, life coaching.
Established in 2005.
Visalus has become the largest health and fitness platform in North America. Visalus has helped people lose over 1 million pounds and is taking the battle on obesity head on. Visalus has grabbed America’s attention by promoting the «90 Day Challenge.» The Challenge has been very successful because everyone loves a great challenge and it allows people to track their progress during 90 days and join a community of thousands of people that are doing the same thing!
Meet the Business Owner
Chris P.
Business Owner
Chris Pulley joined Visalus in July of 2011 and lost 50 pounds in his first 90 day challenge! Chris is currently 39 years old and weighs as much as he did in high school! He has been able to keep the weight off and is now teaching others how they can do the same thing for themselves. In 13 months Chris was able to achieve the level of 1 Star Ambassador and is now teaching and mentoring others how they can achieve 6 figure incomes from home.