This store seems cool but the prices are a little too high. They have just about everything you could want so that’s cool. The customer service is pretty bad when you have to say hello first and that is the case here. It kind of seems like a swap meet with all the random items. Also there is a sign that says don’t touch the shoes, what kind of store doesn’t let you touch the shoes? I’m not coming here anymore and I don’t understand how this place is still in business.
Lisa B.
Place rating: 1 Temecula, CA
I bought a pair of Globe Focus shoes for my son. He didn’t like the style AND they were missing a set of laces. I go to exchange, not even return for refund, exchange for another pair of shoes, and the manager of Basic 21 in Temecula refuses to exchange or return stating that they are missing a set of laces. So, my son wore them. Therefore, no returnable or exchangeable. Are you kidding me!?! I was livid. Shoes aren’t cheap. I got on the phone with Globe. I just want to say, really great company who takes care of their customers. They will be exchanging the shoes for me. They were apologetic about the treatment at the store, upset that Basic 21 did that, and wanted to make it right. THAT is customer service. Thank you Globe. Basic 21? You can kick rocks. I would not recommend shopping there.
Kari H.
Place rating: 1 Temecula, CA
If you’re shopping for scrubs DON’T EVENBOTHER! If you’re like most people who wash their new clothes before wearing, they won’t let you exchange or return even if you have a receipt! Your better off going to instead of this dirt bag of a place!