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I specialize in Soulful Business Strategy and Lifestyle Coaching for Holistic Practitioners, Coaches, Therapists, and other Conscious Entrepreneurs.
Do you feel an UNDENIABLE calling to make a positive impact in the world?
Let me guess… you’re not (yet) where you want to be in your life or biz. Are you…
*Struggling to get more clients
*Not consistently bringing in the income you’d like
*Trying manage your inner fear and limiting beliefs
*Not getting enough Freedom in your life (with plenty of time for family + self-care + vacation)
*Ready for a BIG career change, or to start your OWN business, but you’re feeling lack of clarity and overwhelm
I can help!
I offer a unique, customized program that combines transformative inner work with a strategic and impactful action plan for creating your optimal life and biz. My approach assures that you can accelerate your dreams in a way that creates REAL results and success, while staying true to yourself, so that you can set yourself free.